How to Pay for Family Medical Care Without Insurance

We can all agree the year 2020 has reminded the whole world how important it is to have medical care for the whole family. Beyond the dreaded coronavirus, the normal wintertime maladies are still in full swing. It’s flu and cold season; it’s the time of the year that chaps the skin on your hands and face; and let’s not forget that ‘tis the season to slip and fall on icy sidewalks. For low and fixed-income families, it’s scary to think about medical expenses. Fear not. Some options can help you get through even if you’re in a tough place financially.

Ask About Payment Plans

Your family doctor understands the hardships of the world right now and knows that it’s not going to be easy to pay for medical care for the whole family. Before making an appointment, ask the receptionist or whoever you speak with about healthcare for uninsured people. Oftentimes, you can pay for family medical care over the course of months or years.

Even if you aren’t sure whether or not this can be a reality, it’s worth asking. The worst thing they can say is no, and you might be surprised to find that there are patient assistance programs available. Cornerstone Family Healthcare offers a Patient Assistance Program to help you pay for your healthcare services regardless of your insurance status.

Look Into Medicaid

You might associate Medicaid with elderly people alone, but that is not always the case. Families on a low-income budget can also qualify, giving your family state-issued healthcare and medical care for the whole family. Note that, like with most insurance companies, you will need to find a Medicaid friendly doctor. Ask your family doctor if they accept Medicaid and, if not, search online for doctors nearby that do.

Medicaid is great for families with children. Kids are clumsy and still have their sea legs, so it’s logical to want extra coverage for those bumps and bruises on top of sicknesses. As we mentioned earlier, elderly people can also benefit from Medicaid if they are on a fixed monthly income.

If you’re looking for a Medicaid doctor Hudson Valley trusts, look no further than Cornerstone Family Healthcare. To learn more about our services and affordable medical care for the whole family, contact Cornerstone Family Healthcare today.