Provider Blog by Monica Bernard-Thompson RDN, CDN, CLC, RDN, CDN, CLC
August is National Breastfeeding Month. During the month of August, around the world breastfeeding is celebrated and promoted. At the Cornerstone Family Healthcare WIC Program, we also take part in the celebration by teaming up with other community agencies for our annual WIC Breastfeeding Walk.
How long should a mother breastfeed?
Infants should be exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age and then complementary foods introduced while continuing to breastfeed until at least 1 year. If a mom can only breastfeed for a month – that is ok. Any breastfeeding is good breastfeeding – but more and longer is better.
Should mothers who smoke breastfeed?
Absolutely. The benefits of breastfeeding far outweigh any concerns. However, all women should consider stopping or cutting down on how much they smoke and protect their baby from second hand smoke.
Why is it important to eat healthy while pregnant or breastfeeding?
Pregnancy and breastfeeding can be a good time for moms to look at what they eat and make healthy changes. A mom who eats well has a healthy and happy baby and feels better too! Flavors of foods can pass into breastmilk so if you eat your vegetables your baby might like vegetables when they are older.
I have questions about breastfeeding. Whom can I speak to about my concerns?
Start asking your questions while you are still pregnant some breastfeeding problems are avoided if you understand baby’s behaviors and needs’ before you deliver. Our Peer Counselors, women who have breastfed their babies and have received training in helping others, visit St. Luke’s Hospital in Newburgh during the week so feel free to ask your questions then. Any other questions bring with you when you come into WIC for your appointment. We have two IBCLCs (Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultants) on staff and four CLCs (Certified Lactation Counselors) in addition to our two Peer Counselors. We also have a breastfeeding mom support group “Mommy Talk” (pregnant women are welcome too). This group meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2pm in the WIC waiting room.